Tag Archives: breakfast

Day 66: Twenty Reasons Why Food Trucks Are Hot Right Now

From Los Angeles to New York food trucks are springing up everywhere. It is projected that by 2020 food trucks will be a billion dollar industry. Since 2009 the food truck business has grown 80%. Food trucks are here to stay and here’s 20 reasons why this trend is so hot. Continue reading Day 66: Twenty Reasons Why Food Trucks Are Hot Right Now

Happy Father’s Day


My Dad wasn’t always the cooking titan that he is today. He’s makes the best sausage cornbread stuffing that I’ve ever eaten and an asparagus salad that you could serve in a Michelin Star Restaurant. His mashed potatoes are the best in the world. Today my Dad knows his way around the kitchen but it wasn’t  always that way.

When my parents were newlyweds my father was faced with the problem of cooking dinner for himself. Taking the fast and easy route he chose to make bacon, eggs and toast. Breakfast for dinner is a staple of many guys who don’t know their way around a kitchen. Dad thought it would be a cinch.

Dad called Mom and was distraught, ” The bacon is really greasy.”

Mom replied,” Well blot off the excess grease with a paper towel. ”

“I did that, It’s still very greasy. I think there is something wrong with the bacon.”

Amused by Dad’s folly, Mom suggested,” Maybe it isn’t cooked enough. Cook it a little longer.”

“Hell, It’s very crispy but very greasy.” Dad retorted in hungry frustration.

Mom knew the bacon was fine. She purchased it earlier that day and made sure that the marbling wasn’t too excessive. Stumped with the mystery of the greasy bacon she asked, ” Explain to me exactly how you cooked the bacon.”

Dad said ” I took that big frying pan with the high sides and filled it with about 5 inches of  vegetable oil…”

Whether your Pop is a superstar Chef or can’t boil water, cook him something great today. He deserves it.

Day 6 The Breakfast of Champions

fostersShuffling to the refrigerator early Saturday morning I opened the door and started rooting around thinking maybe I’d have a bowl of Wheaties. Images of what Bruce Jenner meant to me in 1976 when he won the gold in the decathlon swam in my head. Bruce, my hero, taught me that if I ate Wheaties (along with juice, toast and milk) I could be going for the gold too. My personal decathlon for that day was probably going to be a six-pack of Yuengling Lager, a maduro cigar and three episodes of Restaurant Impossible. Needing fuel for the journey to the couch, my attention focused to the bright interior of the  fridge. No milk. Cold pizza. Leftover Thai.  Hung over and discouraged I almost closed the door to settle on a granola bar and some french pressed coffee. Then it caught my eye. Continue reading Day 6 The Breakfast of Champions